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Web Survey Bibliography

Title ICT and Business Performance in Italy
Author de Panizza, A., Nascia, L., Nurra, A., Oropallo, F., Riccardini, F.
Year 2002
Access date 24.03.2004
Full text doc (502k)
Abstract This paper explores some of the linkages between the adoption of ICT technologies and performance at firm level in Italy, developing an integrated information set by drawing on official statistics and administrative sources. The performance and ICT usage distributions are first considered separately, along different dimensions, and then jointly. The experiment is carried out taking into account sectoral and dimensional aspects, as well as two-way temporal relationships, although the treatment of this last issue is limited by data availability, still at a very first stage of development for what concerns ICT usage. Preliminary empirical findings show that the decision of ICTs adoption, besides more ‘obvious’ sectoral and dimensional determinants, can be associated with some features of previous firms performance, although not always in a clear-cut way. At the opposite, for the time being it is not yet possible to observe any robust overall ICTs influence on firm performance, although stronger links can be found for some ‘sector-size cells’. Further research hints point to the integration with other performance (e.g. export) and locational-behavioural firms’ features (e.g., district/networking), and with other techniques of analysis.
Access/Direct link Homepage - conference (full text)
Year of publication2002
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations

Web survey bibliography (4086)
